Founder & Guide
Mima is a former volleyball player, passionate traveler, adventurer and nature lover. She is a mum of curious and playful toddler twins, girl Lenka and boy Novak.

Her life journey took her across many countries and continents, including Antarctica, which was an expedition that changed her life in many ways.

She is licensed mountain guide (UIAA), 3rd category in summer conditions. In past years she trekked and climbed peaks in mountain massifs of the Alps, the Julian Alps, Balkan mountains, Indonesia and Indian Himalayas.

Her message to you:

''Dear friend,
Thank you for considering to join our conscious adventures, that we crafted with a lot of love, passion and dedication. Our vision with PUTELLIAC is to empower and strengthen people's (re)connection with Mother Nature, as well as with pure, authentic ways of life in small rural communities, who serve as a lighthouse on our journey of individual and collective healing and awakening.

I wish that along this new path we grow and nurture community - where people of all ages feel included, respected and gathered around common values - holistic approach to health by taking care of and learning about physical, emotional and spiritual dimensions of human being; embrace, protect and learn from the nature and small rural communities we immerse ourselves in together. ''

Love & respect,

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