responsible travel policy

Our primary objective

Our primary objective for conscious adventuring is to engage in adventurous activities in nature while minimizing our impact on the environment, respecting local cultures, ensuring the safety of all participants, and contributing positively to the well-being of the communities and ecosystems we encounter. By adopting sustainable practices, promoting ethical behavior, and fostering a deep appreciation for the natural world, we strive to leave a positive legacy for future generations of adventurers and to be stewards of the places we explore. Through education, advocacy, and continuous improvement, we aim to inspire others to embrace responsible travel as a fundamental approach to experiencing and conserving the beauty of our planet.

1. Safety First:
1.1 Preparedness: We prioritize safety by researching the area, checking weather forecasts, and understanding the terrain. We carry appropriate gear, clothing, and navigation tools to handle unforeseen situations. We inform in details and expect from our clients to carry recommended gear and clothing for a specific adventure.
1.2 Emergency Preparedness: We are equipped with a first aid kit, communication devices, and knowledge of basic first aid procedures. Anywhere we go we are familiarized with location of the nearest medical facilities and emergency services.

2. Ethical Behavior:
2.1 Cultural Sensitivity: We respect local cultures, traditions, and customs. We seek permission before entering private or culturally sensitive areas. Engage with local communities in a respectful and mindful manner. Exactly the same we expect from all our clients.
2.2 Local Regulations: We are familiarized with and adhere to all local, national, and international laws and regulations pertaining to outdoor activities, camping, and protected areas.
2.3 Noise Pollution: We keep noise levels to a minimum to avoid disturbing wildlife and other adventurers. We encourage all our clients to appreciate tranquility of nature and allow others to do the same.

3. Environmental Stewardship:
3.1 Leave No Trace: We eesure that all activities are conducted with minimal impact on the environment. We pack out all trash, waste, and litter generated during the trip. We follow Leave No Trace principles, including proper waste disposal and minimizing damage to flora and fauna.
3.2 Stay on Designated Trails: We stick to designated trails and paths to prevent soil erosion, damage to vegetation, and disturbance to wildlife habitats. We avoid creating new trails or taking shortcuts that could harm the ecosystem.
3.3 Respect Wildlife: We observe wildlife from a safe distance without disturbing them. We do not feed animals, as it can disrupt their natural behaviors and lead to dependency on humans.
3.4 Protect Water Sources: We keep water bodies clean by using biodegradable soap at least 200 feet away from lakes, rivers, and streams.

4. Sustainability:
4.1 Support Local Economies: We strive to contribute positively to local economies by engaging local businesses for supplies, accommodations, and services. This helps sustain the community and reduces the environmental impact of transportation.
4.2 Carbon Footprint: We minimize carbon footprint by choosing eco-friendly transportation options and carpooling when possible.

5. Education and Advocacy:
5.1 Educate Yourself: We continuously learn about the natural and cultural significance of the areas we are exploring. We aim to expand our understanding of the flora, fauna, geology, and history to enhance our appreciation and minimize unintentional impacts.
5.2 Advocate for Conservation: We share lived experiences and insights with others, encouraging responsible travel and adventuring behavior. We strive to support conservation organizations working to protect the areas we visit through our WE GIVE BACK platform.
5.3 Continuous Learning: We strive to stay informed about best practices in responsible adventuring and integrate new knowledge into our approach. We are open to adapting our behaviors to align with evolving sustainability standards.

By following this Responsible Travel Policy, we commit to preserving the beauty and integrity of natural environments, respecting local cultures, and ensuring the safety and enjoyment of all adventurers.

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